.. title:: About pyparrot .. about: About the pyparrot project ========================== About pyparrot ----------------- Pyparrot was developed by `Dr. Amy McGovern `_ with the support of the `University of Oklahoma `_ and the `Kiss Institute for Practical Robotics `_. The original goal was to teach children to program using educational programs like `botball `_. The pyparrot project has been adopted by groups around the world and has been used in both K-12 settings and at the university level. Educational Programs Using pyparrot ----------------------------------- If you would like to be added to this list, please email dramymcgovern @ gmail.com (without the spaces). * `Botball `_ * `University of Oklahoma School of Computer Science `_ * `Talenteahaus `_ * `Tech Garage `_ * `St Eugene College `_ * `KIPR/botball `_